Horror Stories & Legends from across the World

Welcome fellow horror-seekers. We write and share horror stories about everything horror. Our founder likes to call himself a Wizard & his aim is to compile a comprehensive Library of Horror Stories from across the Planet (& beyond). Whether you love witches, vampires, jinns or haunted dolls – we are gathering information on all of them. Who knows, this info might save you one day. We also share reviews for horror movies & series and plan to add more sections on different horror topics moving forward.

So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and lose yourself in the Wizard’s Library of Horror!

Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter & please follow us on social media.

Don’t find the Creature/ Cryptid you are looking for? Or do you have any horror stories of your own to share with the world?

Don’t wait for the horror to hunt you down before you spread the message, share it with the Wizard today at thewizard@awizardslibrary.com. You can also DM us your stories on social media. You can even write to us to share your feedback and share any other suggestions. We are addicted to horror and if these aren’t enough for you, we can spend hours sharing other stories.

On that horrific note, we will end our introduction. If you’re still stuck with us till this point,& we’ve not bored you yet, Thank You so much. We’d recommend using the Menu to scroll through different horror stories or you can just click on any of the images if you like. If you are still confused, you can start with some of our most popular stories –

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